
Features and Properties of Juvederm

How to quickly and effectively eliminate aging folds and creases, restore skin’s lost freshness and youthfulness? The answer of leading beauticians – contour plastic surgery with fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which is literally a 30-minute session that will cope with any aesthetic defects on the face and body. When patients decide to undergo the procedure, they immediately begin to study information about the most popular fillers and almost immediately learn about Juvederm. In this article, we will look at the Features and Properties of Juvederm.

Hyaluronic fillers Juvederm

The series of preparations Juvederm is produced by the well-known concern Allergan, which is famous for the production of the famous Botox and really knows a lot about the development of cosmetic products of the highest quality. For the Juvederm products, the price has always been consistent with their quality. The basis of all the fillers is synthesized in a special way hyaluronic acid – a natural and indispensable for our body polysaccharide. For the creation of gels, hyaluronate of non-animal origin is used, which eliminates the risk of rejection or allergy after the procedure. The well-proven BDDE, which has been repeatedly purified from residual breakdown products and endotoxins, is used as a stabilizing agent, which minimizes the side effects of fillers. 

Constantly improving its development, Allergan has introduced hyaluronic acid with a unique three-dimensional structure, which has a high degree of cohesiveness, allowing the molecules of hyaluronic acid to bind tightly together, providing a stable location of the polymer, uniform distribution, and excellent resistance to external pressure. A kind of strong skeleton is formed inside the dermis, which fills in all wrinkles and depressions, smoothing out the skin relief and restoring its smoothness and elasticity. 

In addition, hyaluronic acid is a well-known moisturizer that fills the skin cells with missing moisture, nourishes the intercellular space, and helps activate the production of your own hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin fibers. As a result – guaranteed skin rejuvenation, removing not only wrinkles and folds but also restoring the natural complexion, correction of minor scars and scars, the effects of acne and herpes. An additional component of most fillers Juvederm is lidocaine in the optimal concentration of 0.3%, sufficient to make the procedure of contouring painless for the patient and comfortable for the cosmetologist. 

Perfect quality and guaranteed results at an affordable price

Among the variety of products for contour plastic surgery, fillers Juvederm differ not only in a number of obvious advantages but also quite a reasonable cost. In matters of their own health and beauty do not save money. For all the fillers in the Juvederm line, the price justifies the effect and purpose.

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